58 岁的瑞安·韦斯利·鲁斯 (Ryan Wesley Routh) 因在特朗普位于棕榈滩的高尔夫俱乐部用 AK 式步枪指着特朗普而被捕。 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh arrested for pointing an AK-style rifle at Trump at his golf club in Palm Beach.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)感谢执法部门对据称周日在佛罗里达棕榈滩高尔夫俱乐部企图暗杀高尔夫球员一事作出反应。 Former President Donald Trump thanked law enforcement for their response to an alleged assassination attempt at his golf club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday. 联邦调查局报告说,58岁的Ryan Wesley Routh因在Trump打高尔夫时用AK式步枪指着Trump而被捕。 The FBI reported that 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh was arrested for pointing an AK-style rifle at Trump while he played golf. 特朗普在 Truth Social 上的一篇帖子中将这一天描述为“有趣”,而联邦调查局和其他机构仍在继续调查该事件。 Trump described the day as “interesting” in a post on Truth Social, while the FBI and other agencies continue to investigate the incident.