副总统卡玛拉哈里斯在纽约筹款募集27M元, 准备发表经济演讲。 Vice President Kamala Harris raises $27M in NY fundraiser, preparing for economic speech.
卡马拉·哈里斯副总统最近在纽约的一次筹款活动中筹集了2 700万美元。 Vice President Kamala Harris raised $27 million during a recent fundraiser in New York. 这一事件突出表明,她继续努力为即将提出的倡议争取财政支助。 The event underscores her continuing efforts to gather financial support for upcoming initiatives. 哈里斯宣布她本周晚些时候将发表重要经济演讲, Harris announced she will deliver a significant economic speech later this week, signaling her focus on economic issues as part of her agenda.