副总统哈里斯(Kamala Harris)的竞选活动一个月筹得超过540万美元, 超过历史记录。 Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign raised over $540m in a month, surpassing historical records.
卡马拉·哈里斯副总统竞选美国总统的竞选活动在发起后一个月内筹集了540万美元,击败了历史上任何其他竞选活动。 Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign for the US presidency has raised over $540m within a month since launching, beating any other campaign in history. 这些资金包括整个运动、全国民主委员会和联合筹资委员会的捐款。 The funds include donations across the campaign, the Democratic National Committee and joint fundraising committees. 这些捐款的三分之一来自首次捐款者,该运动动员了一支虚拟的志愿人员军队。 One-third of these donations were from first-time contributors, and the campaign had mobilised a virtual army of volunteers.