对Gogoro公司启动证券法调查,指控该公司违反与电动摩托车进口部件有关的规定。 Securities law investigation launched into Gogoro Inc. for alleged violations related to imported components in electric scooters.
Schall律师事务所正在调查Gogoro公司(NASDAQ:GGR)可能违反证券法的行为,因为据称该公司的电动摩托车使用进口部件,可能违反台湾国内生产补贴要求。 The Schall Law Firm is investigating Gogoro Inc. (NASDAQ: GGR) for potential securities law violations related to allegations of using imported components in its electric scooters, which may breach Taiwan's domestic production requirements for subsidies. 在首席执行官Horace Luke辞职和股票价格显著下跌之后,Gogoro报告了供应链违规情况,并在自己进行调查时与当局合作。 Following the resignation of CEO Horace Luke and a notable stock price drop, Gogoro reported supply chain irregularities and is cooperating with authorities while conducting its own investigation. 邀请股东参加调查。 Shareholders are invited to participate in the inquiry.