根据国家安全顾问申元植的说法,朝鲜可能在美国总统大选附近进行第七次核试验。 North Korea may conduct its seventh nuclear test near the U.S. presidential election, according to National Security Adviser Shin Won-sik.
根据国家安全顾问申元植所说,朝鲜可能在11月美国总统选举前后进行第七次核试验。 North Korea may conduct its seventh nuclear test around the time of the U.S. presidential election in November, according to National Security Adviser Shin Won-sik. 他指出,时间安排将取决于该国的战略考虑,并可在选举之前或之后进行。 He indicated that the timing will hinge on the country's strategic considerations and could happen before or after the election. Shin在接受Yonhap新闻电视台采访时发表了评论。 Shin's comments were made during an interview with Yonhap News TV.