罗蜘蛛原产于东亚,对人类无害, 在美国传播, 在新泽西州和宾夕法尼亚州发现. Joro spiders, native to East Asia and harmless to humans, spread in the US with sightings in NJ and PA.
原产于东亚的 Joro 蜘蛛正在美国蔓延,最近在新泽西州和宾夕法尼亚州的巴克斯县发现了这种现象。 Joro spiders, native to East Asia, are spreading in the U.S., with recent sightings in New Jersey and Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 这些蜘蛛体积大,外观多姿多彩,对人类无害,如果被咬,只造成轻微反应。 Known for their large size and colorful appearance, these spiders are harmless to humans, causing only mild reactions if bitten. 它们可以通过“气球”旅行,并可能有助于控制斑点灯笼蝇等害虫。 They can travel via "ballooning" and may help control pests like spotted lanternflies. 虽然他们的存在可能令人不安,但他们的威胁最小,更惧怕人类。 While their presence may be unsettling, they pose minimal threat and are more afraid of humans.