2013年抵达的乔罗蜘蛛在北乔治亚报告的数量很大,对人类构成最小风险。 2013-arrived Joro spiders, reported in significant numbers in North Georgia, pose minimal risk to humans.
自2013年左右从日本抵达北乔治亚以来,在北乔治亚有大量巨型和有毒的约罗蜘蛛的报告。 Joro spiders, giant and venomous, have been reported in significant numbers in North Georgia since their arrival from Japan around 2013. 尽管他们的绰号是"飞蜘蛛", 他们缺乏翅膀, 依靠风驱散他们的网络。 Despite their nickname as "flying" spiders, they lack wings and rely on wind to disperse their webs. 格鲁吉亚大学的Joro Watch方案监测目击情况,在Fulton、DeKalb和Gwinnett县有显著数字。 The University of Georgia's Joro Watch program monitors sightings, with notable counts in Fulton, DeKalb, and Gwinnett counties. 虽然冷冻耐受性 这些蜘蛛对人类构成最小风险 因为咬痕很少 While cold-tolerant, these spiders pose minimal risk to humans, as bites are rare.