2 300名参与者参加了第16届丹普西年度挑战,这是一次癌症筹款和提高认识的体育赛事。 2,300 participants took part in the 16th annual Dempsey Challenge, a sports event for cancer fundraising and awareness.
2 300多名与会者参加了第16届丹普西岛年度挑战,这次活动的重点是筹集资金和提高对癌症服务的认识。 Over 2,300 participants took part in the 16th annual Dempsey Challenge, an event focused on raising funds and awareness for cancer services. 这一挑战包括跑步、走路和骑自行车,吸引了各种人群团结起来,支持受癌症影响的人。 The challenge combines running, walking, and cycling, drawing a diverse crowd united in support of those affected by cancer. 这次活动继续向演员Patrick Dempsey的母亲致敬, The event continues to honor actor Patrick Dempsey's mother, who battled the disease, highlighting community engagement in the fight against cancer.