患癌症的妇女参加波士顿马拉松慈善活动,筹得款项接近目标 26,200 美元。 Woman with cancer participates in Boston Marathon for charity, approaching $26,200 goal.
一位意志坚定的女子通过参加波士顿马拉松来实现她的临终愿望,作为适应性计划的一部分,与她的教练和男友一起跑步。 A determined woman is fulfilling her dying wish by participating in the Boston Marathon, running alongside her coach and boyfriend as part of the Adaptive Program. 她还与丹娜法伯癌症研究所一起参加慈善活动,并在那里接受治疗。 She is also running for charity with the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, where she is receiving treatment. 尽管面临挑战,她还是得到了社区的大力支持,她即将达到 26,200 美元的筹款目标。 Despite facing challenges, she has received an outpouring of support from her community, and she is nearly reaching her fundraising goal of $26,200.