印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪赠送了一辆古董银色火车模型和帕什米纳披肩给拜登和吉尔·拜登,象征着印度和美国的外交关系. Indian PM Narendra Modi gifted a vintage silver train model and pashmina shawl to Biden and Jill Biden, symbolizing India-U.S. diplomatic ties.
在四方领导人峰会期间,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪向乔·拜登总统展示了银色老式火车模型,向吉尔·拜登第一夫人展示了普什米纳披肩。 During the Quad leaders summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented a vintage silver train model to President Joe Biden and a pashmina shawl to First Lady Jill Biden. 这列火车由92.5%的银制成,由马哈拉施特拉的手工艺人制造,象征着印度和特拉华之间的联系。 The train, made of 92.5% silver and crafted by artisans from Maharashtra, symbolizes the ties between India and Delaware. 帕什米纳披肩代表克什米尔的手工艺。 The pashmina shawl represents Kashmiri craftsmanship. 这些礼物突显了印度和美国之间牢固的外交关系, 被称为“21世纪的决定性伙伴关系”。 The gifts underscore the strong diplomatic relationship between India and the U.S., termed a "defining partnership of the 21st century."