Duluth的Baylis街住宅楼发生火灾,造成300K-400K美元损坏,3个单元无法居住,无人受伤。 Fire at Baylis Street residential building in Duluth causes $300K-$400K damage, 3 units uninhabitable, no injuries.
星期六下午,Duluth的Baylis街一栋4个单元的住宅楼发生火灾,造成重大损坏,4个单元中有3个无法居住。 A fire on Saturday afternoon at a four-unit residential building on Baylis Street in Duluth caused significant damage, with three of the four units rendered uninhabitable. Duluth消防局疏散了居民,没有受伤。 The Duluth Fire Department evacuated residents without any injuries. 损坏估计数从300 000美元到400 000美元不等。 Damage estimates range from $300,000 to $400,000. 火灾影响到门廊、屋顶和阁楼地区。 The fire affected the porch, roof, and attic areas. Duluth消防局长办公室正在调查这一事件。 The Duluth Fire Marshal's Office is investigating the incident.