Haywood路的Greenville Circle K加油站持械抢劫案 没有受伤 正在调查 Armed robbery at Greenville Circle K gas station on Haywood Road, no injuries, ongoing investigation.
9 月 21 日星期六早上 6 点,格林维尔 Haywood 路的 Circle K 加油站发生了一起持械抢劫案。 An armed robbery occurred at a Circle K gas station on Haywood Road in Greenville at 6 a.m. on Saturday, September 21. 格林维尔警察局报告没有受伤,也没有公布有关嫌疑人或任何可能逮捕的详情。 The Greenville Police Department reported no injuries and has not released details about the suspect or any potential arrests. 调查正在进行中,预计随着更多资料的提供,将进一步更新。 The investigation is ongoing, and further updates are expected as more information becomes available.