Arborist在弗吉尼亚州亚历山大被电击,同时修剪树木与电线连接。 Arborist electrocuted in Alexandria, Virginia, while trimming tree contacting live power line.
周六早上,在弗吉尼亚亚历山德里亚修剪一棵树时,一名Arborist人被电击。 An arborist was electrocuted while trimming a tree in Alexandria, Virginia, on Saturday morning. 事件发生在上午10时左右,一棵树枝接通了一条活电线。 The incident occurred around 10 a.m. when a tree branch contacted a live power line. 紧急救援人员发现这名男子没有反应,Dominion Power 协助清除了电气危险。 Emergency responders found the man unresponsive, and Dominion Power assisted in clearing the electrical hazard. 当局正在努力通知受害者的近亲。 Authorities are working to notify the victim's next of kin.