一名惠灵顿男子被判定犯有在BDSM遭遇期间未经同意将一名妇女窒息昏迷罪。 A Wellington man was found guilty of choking a woman unconscious during a BDSM encounter without consent.
一名惠灵顿男子被认定在BDSM遭遇期间窒息一名妇女失去知觉,而他因涉及另一名妇女的类似指控被宣告无罪。 A Wellington man was found guilty of choking a woman unconscious during a BDSM encounter, while he was acquitted of a similar charge involving another woman. 陪审团判定他的行为未经同意,尽管辩方辩称,这些事件是双方同意的,并出于个人怨恨。 The jury determined he acted without consent, despite the defense arguing the incidents were consensual and motivated by personal grudges. 案件突出了BDSM实践中的同意问题. The case highlights issues of consent within BDSM practices. 这名男子以前通过Tinder和两个女人都有关系。 The man was previously involved with both women through Tinder.