在马萨诸塞州,一个联盟试图通过为2026年的全民公投收集签名来暂停一项新的枪支法。 In Massachusetts, a coalition seeks to suspend a new gun law by gathering signatures for a 2026 ballot referendum.
在马萨诸塞州,由枪支拥有者和第二修正案倡导者组成的民权联盟正在努力通过收集签名暂停一项新的枪支法。 In Massachusetts, The Civil Rights Coalition, comprising gun owners and Second Amendment advocates, is working to suspend a new gun law by gathering signatures. 其目的是在10月9日前至少收集37 287个签名,以便在2026年选票上提出废除问题。 They aim to collect at least 37,287 signatures by October 9 to place a repeal question on the 2026 ballot. 该法律包括打击“幽灵枪”的措施,并扩大了红旗法。 The law includes measures against "ghost guns" and expands the red flag law. 批评者认为,这一程序缺乏应有的注意,而支持者则认为它加强了公共安全。 Critics argue the process lacked due diligence, while supporters claim it enhances public safety.