希尔斯博罗妇女Patricia Celeste Pamatz-Pineda因向前男友和另一名妇女开枪而被判处5年徒刑。 Hillsboro woman Patricia Celeste Pamatz-Pineda sentenced to 5 years for firing gun at ex-boyfriend and another woman.
俄勒冈州Hillsboro的Patricia Celeste Pamatz-Pineda在对一级企图攻击和非法使用武器认罪后被判处五年监禁。 Patricia Celeste Pamatz-Pineda from Hillsboro, Oregon, has been sentenced to five years in prison after pleading guilty to first-degree attempted assault and unlawful weapon use. 指控源自2023年8月9日的一起事件,当时她向前男友和另一名妇女开枪。 The charges stem from an incident on August 9, 2023, where she fired a gun at her ex-boyfriend and another woman. 现场从她身上找到一把装有子弹的火器。 A loaded firearm was recovered from her at the scene. 法院下令没收和销毁这把枪,她也将面临监狱后三年的监督。 The court ordered the gun to be confiscated and destroyed, and she will also face three years of post-prison supervision.