Green Bay学校董事会审查Claud Tiller辞职后 最新的主管职务说明 Green Bay schools board reviews updated superintendent job description post Claude Tiller's resignation.
在 Claude Tiller 于 2 月辞职后,绿湾区公立学校董事会将于周一审查对学监职位描述的重大更新。 The Green Bay Area Public Schools' board will review significant updates to the superintendent's job description on Monday, following the resignation of Claude Tiller in February. 这些修订修改了现有的八项工作标准,并增加了两项新的标准,符合国家和各州的准则。 The revisions modify eight existing job standards and add two new ones, aligned with national and state guidelines. 董事会尚未决定更换或使用一家搜索公司。 The board has not yet decided on a replacement or the use of a search firm. 会议定于下午6时在百老汇200街区办事处举行。 The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. at the district office, 200 S. Broadway.