联邦调查局特工登上了一艘与巴尔的摩桥梁塌事件有关的船只. FBI agents boarded a vessel linked to the company involved in the Baltimore bridge collapse.
联邦调查局特工登上了一艘由与巴尔的摩桥梁塌事件相关的货船公司运营的船只. FBI agents have boarded a vessel operated by the company linked to the cargo ship responsible for the recent Baltimore bridge collapse. 这一事件引起了对海上货物运输安全的关切,导致对该公司的严格审查。 This incident has raised concerns about the safety of maritime cargo transportation, leading to heightened scrutiny of the company. 调查的细节仍然不清楚,文章中包括的天气预报与主要故事无关。 Details of the investigation remain unclear, and a weather forecast included in the article is unrelated to the main story.