在2020年和平协定之后,6名前不丹国防军民兵从不丹监狱移交给印度当局。 6 ex-NDFB militants handed over from Bhutanese jail to Indian authorities after 2020 peace accord.
布达尔邦领地地区首长普拉莫德·博罗宣布将六名前NDFB武装分子从不丹监狱移交给印度当局. Pramod Boro, chief of the Bodoland Territorial Region, announced the handover of six former NDFB militants from a Bhutanese jail to Indian authorities. 他们现在接受阿萨姆警察的照顾,而尼泊尔的另一个前军人准备遣返。 They are now under Assam Police's care, while another ex-militant in Nepal is set for repatriation. 在他们获释之前,一项和平协议于2020年解散了不丹国防军,标志着印度和不丹之间朝着区域稳定与合作迈出了重要一步。 Their release follows a peace accord that dissolved the NDFB in 2020, marking a significant step towards regional stability and cooperation between India and Bhutan.