2名妇女在弗吉尼亚州拉德福德被捕,当时一名失踪的少年在汽车中被发现伪装。 2 women arrested in Radford, Virginia, after a missing juvenile found disguised in their car.
两名妇女,Kacheri Blount和Ieisha Allen,在弗吉尼亚州Radford被捕,因为一名来自特拉华州的失踪少年被发现在车上伪装。 Two women, Kacheri Blount and Ieisha Allen, were arrested in Radford, Virginia, after a missing juvenile from Delaware was found disguised in their car. Blount拥有被盗的牌照和多张逮捕证,提供了假身份。 Blount, who had a stolen license plate and multiple warrants, provided a false identity. Allen被控协助未成年人犯罪并携带隐藏的武器。 Allen faces charges for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and carrying a concealed weapon. 拉德福德警方的迅速行动 导致了青少年的安全康复 The Radford Police's prompt actions led to the juvenile's safe recovery. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.