大西洋城警方查获三辆偷来的汽车,并在一天之内逮捕了几名嫌疑人。 Police in Atlantic City recovered three stolen cars and arrested several suspects within a day.
在大西洋城(NJ),警察在一天之内发现三辆被盗汽车。 In Atlantic City, NJ, police recovered three stolen cars within a day. 第一辆汽车于上午11时20分与Jy'heem Benjamin-Hannah和里面的一名16岁的男子一起被发现;Benjamin-Hannah有海洛因,并提供了虚假信息。 The first car was found at 11:20 a.m. with Jy'heem Benjamin-Hannah and a 16-year-old male inside; Benjamin-Hannah had heroin and provided false information. 另一辆车在下午5时15分被截停,第三辆车在下午6时30分被发现,Floyd Mitchell开车。 Another car was stopped at 5:15 p.m., and a third was found at 6:30 p.m. with Floyd Mitchell driving. 所有嫌疑人均受到指控,并按传票予以释放,并附有今后的开庭日期。 All suspects were charged and released on summons with future court dates. 警方正在寻求更多信息。 The police are seeking more information.