在俄勒冈州斯普林菲尔德, 当地艺术家在暴雨下水道上画壁画, In Springfield, Oregon, local artists paint murals on storm drains to raise stormwater and wastewater awareness for pollution impact on rivers.
在俄勒冈州斯普林菲尔德, 当地艺术家在暴雨下水道上画壁画, In Springfield, Oregon, local artists are painting murals on storm drains to raise awareness about the city's stormwater and wastewater systems. 该项目是一年一度的UpStream Art Mural安装的一部分,突出污染对当地河流的影响。 The project, part of the annual UpStream Art Mural Installation, highlights the impact of pollution on local rivers. 4名艺术家参与其中,壁画强调两种系统之间的区别,提倡适当的废物处理做法。 Four artists are involved, with the murals emphasizing the distinction between the two systems and promoting proper waste disposal practices. 其他城市也表示有兴趣采取类似举措。 Other cities have expressed interest in similar initiatives.