2022年6月,加拿大禁止六种单一用途塑料,目标是到2030年实现零废物。 In June 2022, Canada banned six single-use plastics, aiming for zero waste by 2030.
加拿大是塑料废物的主要人均生产国,在保护其海洋地区免受污染方面面临重大挑战。 Canada, a leading per capita producer of plastic waste, faces significant challenges in protecting its marine areas from pollution. 该国的年产量超过400万吨,回收量仅为7%,在环境中占很大比例。 Annually generating over four million tonnes, the country recycles only 7%, leaving a substantial portion in the environment. 2022年6月,加拿大禁止六种单一用途塑料,目标是到2030年实现零废物,但法律挑战依然存在。 In June 2022, Canada banned six single-use plastics, targeting zero waste by 2030, but legal challenges persist. 研究人员正在跟踪Saguenay Fjord不断上升的塑料废物,强调需要减少来源和提高公众认识,以保护海洋生态系统。 Researchers are tracking rising plastic waste in the Saguenay Fjord, emphasizing the need for source reduction and public awareness to safeguard marine ecosystems.