新西兰推出 " Kitmap " (在线科学目录),以加强公私研究与开发。 New Zealand launches Kitmap, an online scientific directory, to enhance public-private research and development.
新西兰科学、创新和技术部长朱迪思·柯林斯推出了Kitmap,这是公共资助机构科学基础设施和设备在线目录。 New Zealand's Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, Judith Collins, launched Kitmap, an online directory of scientific infrastructure and equipment from publicly funded institutes. 该平台有260多个项目,便利公共和私营部门之间的准入与合作,以提高研发能力。 The platform features over 260 items, facilitating access and collaboration between public and private sectors to enhance R&D capabilities. Kitmap旨在促进创新和经济增长,同时将AI纳入未来的产品开发建议。 Kitmap aims to boost innovation and economic growth while incorporating AI in the future for product development suggestions.