印度政府将信息技术硬件进口管理系统延长三个月。 Indian government extends import management system for IT hardware by three months.
印度政府可能将其对包括笔记本电脑和平板电脑在内的IT硬件进口管理系统的期限延长三个月. The Indian government is likely to extend its import management system for IT hardware, including laptops and tablets, by three months. 该系统于2022年10月推出,旨在监督进口,而不会扰乱市场。 This system, introduced in October 2022, is designed to oversee imports without disrupting the market. 目前审查的最后期限是9月30日。 The current review deadline is September 30. 在2023-24年期间,进口额达到84亿美元,主要来自中国,而授权的进口额为95亿美元。 In 2023-24, imports reached $8.4 billion, mainly from China, against an authorization of $9.5 billion. 扩展的目的是在印度维持一个可靠的供应链。 The extension aims to maintain a reliable supply chain in India.