欧盟计划向30岁以下欧盟公民提出青年流动交易,让他们在联合王国工作和生活。 The EU plans to propose a youth mobility deal for EU citizens under 30 to work and live in the UK.
欧洲联盟计划提议一项青年流动交易,允许30岁以下的欧盟公民从明年开始在联合王国工作和居住长达四年。 The European Union plans to propose a youth mobility deal allowing EU citizens under 30 to work and live in the UK for up to four years, starting next year. 作为交换,年轻的英国人将在欧盟获得类似的权利。 In exchange, young Britons would gain similar rights in the EU. 该倡议的目的是改善Brexit会议后的关系,劳工领袖Keir Starmer主张在不寻求加入欧盟的情况下建立更密切的联系。 The initiative aims to improve post-Brexit relations, with Labour leader Keir Starmer advocating for closer ties despite not seeking EU membership. 智囊团敦促联合王国通过正式会议和联合方案表明合作承诺。 A think tank has urged the UK to demonstrate commitment to collaboration through formal meetings and joint programs.