德里高等法院驳回Swati Maliwal关于推翻与她任职期间有关的腐败指控的辩护。 Delhi High Court rejects Swati Maliwal's plea to overturn corruption charges related to her DCW tenure.
德里高等法院驳回了Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal关于推翻因她担任德里妇女委员会主任而提出的腐败指控的请求。 The Delhi High Court has rejected a plea by Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal to overturn corruption charges stemming from her tenure as chief of the Delhi Commission for Women. Maliwal被控非法任命AAP合伙人担任各种职务,未经适当程序。 Maliwal is accused of illegally appointing AAP associates to various positions without proper procedures. 初审法院以前曾根据《印度刑法》和《防止腐败法》下令起诉。 The trial court had previously ordered charges under the Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act. 该案是由前妇女部主席Barkha Shukla Singh提出的申诉提出的。 The case was initiated by a complaint from former DCW chairperson Barkha Shukla Singh.