德里高等法院驳回Kejriwal在消费政策骗局中反对逮捕的抗辩,允许保释上诉。 Delhi High Court dismisses Kejriwal's plea against arrest in excise policy scam, allows bail appeal.
德里高等法院驳回了AAP领导人Arvind Kejriwal在指控的消费政策骗局中反对CBI逮捕他的请求,称其并非没有正当理由。 Delhi High Court dismissed AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal's plea against his arrest by the CBI in an alleged excise policy scam, stating it was not without justifiable reason. 法院准许Kejriwal向审判法院要求保释。 The court granted Kejriwal permission to approach the trial court for bail. Kejriwal在一个相关的洗钱案件中被最高法院准予临时保释。 Kejriwal has been granted interim bail in a related money laundering case by the Supreme Court. Aam Aadmi党宣布,Kejriwal将对高等法院的裁决向最高法院提出上诉。 The Aam Aadmi Party announced that Kejriwal will appeal to the Supreme Court against the High Court's decision.