29 岁的 Charles R. Marble-McCloe 因涉嫌性虐待和用 Sawzall 刀片威胁而被捕;面临指控并被关押在卡尤加县监狱。 29-year-old Charles R. Marble-McCloe was arrested for alleged sexual abuse and menacing with a Sawzall blade; faces charges and is held in Cayuga County Jail.
来自Cayuga县Martville的29岁的Charles R. Marble-McCloe于9月16日被捕,据称他用Sawzall刀威胁一名妇女并进行不想要的性接触。 Charles R. Marble-McCloe, 29, from Martville, Cayuga County, was arrested on September 16 for allegedly threatening a woman with a Sawzall blade and engaging in unwanted sexual contact. 他被指控犯有一级性虐待、一级谋杀和三级持有武器罪。 He faces charges of first-degree sexual abuse, first-degree menacing, and third-degree criminal possession of a weapon. 提审后,他被押回Cayuga县监狱,保释金为50 000美元现金或100 000美元的保证金。 After his arraignment, he was remanded to Cayuga County Jail with bail set at $50,000 cash or $100,000 bond. 当局要求公众提供补充资料。 Authorities seek additional information from the public.