欧盟监察员在非政府组织投诉中启动对紧急补贴变化合法性的调查。 EU Ombudsman launches inquiry into legality of emergency subsidy changes amid NGO complaints.
欧盟监察员已着手调查针对农民抗议对农业补贴作出紧急修正是否合法。 The EU Ombudsman has launched an inquiry into the legality of emergency amendments to agriculture subsidies responding to farmer protests. 非政府组织ClientEarth和BirdLife在7月份提出投诉,声称2023-2027年3860亿欧元 (429亿美元) 的补贴变化削弱了环境保护,并违反了欧盟法律,因为没有进行气候评估. NGOs ClientEarth and BirdLife filed a complaint in July, claiming that changes to €386 billion ($429 billion) in subsidies for 2023-2027 weaken environmental protections and violated EU laws by not conducting a climate assessment. 委员会必须在12月16日前作出答复。 The Commission must respond by December 16.