CPI(M) 青年领袖Meenakshi Mukherjee被CBI传唤为加尔各答医生强奸谋杀案的证人。 CPI(M) youth leader Meenakshi Mukherjee summoned by CBI as witness in Kolkata doctor rape-murder case.
CPI(M)青年领袖Meenakshi Mukherjee被中央调查局传唤为证人,在Kolkata's R.G.正在对一名初级医生进行的强奸和谋杀调查中作证。 CPI(M) youth leader Meenakshi Mukherjee was summoned by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) as a witness in the ongoing rape and murder investigation of a junior doctor at Kolkata's R.G. 卡尔医学院和医院。 Kar Medical College & Hospital. 她于8月9日与受害人的父母互动,据称抵制警察将尸体烧死的努力。 She interacted with the victim's parents on August 9 and allegedly resisted police efforts to cremate the body. 穆克吉也可能就 8 月 14 日医院急诊科遭到破坏的抗议活动接受讯问。 Mukherjee may also be questioned regarding a protest on August 14 when the hospital's emergency department was vandalized.