孟买高等法院裁定,开斋节游行的噪音和激光风险必须遵循Ganesh节准则,等待科学证据。 Bombay High Court rules that noise and laser risks for Eid processions must follow Ganesh festival guidelines, pending scientific evidence.
孟买高等法院裁定,如果扩音器和音响系统被认为在Ganesh节期间有害,它们在开斋节游行期间也构成类似风险。 The Bombay High Court has ruled that if loudspeakers and sound systems are deemed harmful during the Ganesh festival, they pose similar risks during Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi processions. 这一声明是在审查公众利益诉讼时提出的,这些诉讼寻求禁止DJs和开斋节激光灯。 This statement emerged while reviewing public interest litigations seeking a ban on DJs and laser lights for Eid. 法院强调遵守噪音污染条例,并要求在作出进一步决定之前,提供关于激光光效应的科学证据。 The court stressed adherence to noise pollution regulations and requested scientific evidence on laser light effects before making further decisions.