17人在针对有483 000名以上受害人的iServer钓鱼平台的全球网络行动中被捕。 17 arrested in global cyber operation targeting iServer phishing platform with 483,000+ victims.
“Kaerb行动”是IB集团的协助,导致17名与iServer钓鱼平台有联系的人被捕,影响到全世界483 000多名受害者。 Group-IB aided in "Operation Kaerb," resulting in the arrest of 17 individuals linked to the iServer phishing platform, which affected over 483,000 victims worldwide. 这项行动涉及几个国家的执法部门,它摧毁了一个网络,使犯罪分子能够窃取用户证书,解锁被盗移动电话。 This operation, involving law enforcement from several countries, dismantled a network that allowed criminals to unlock stolen mobile phones by stealing user credentials. 逮捕行动凸显了国际协作在应对网络犯罪方面的有效性。 The arrests underscore the effectiveness of international collaboration in addressing cybercrime.