澳大利亚和国际警察部队逮捕了 37 名网络犯罪分子。 Australian and international police forces arrested 37 cybercriminals.
澳大利亚和国际警察部队在一次联合行动中逮捕了 5 名澳大利亚人和全球其他 32 人,摧毁了一个窃取澳大利亚 94,000 多人个人数据的网络犯罪平台。 Australian and international police forces have arrested 5 Australians and 32 others globally in a joint operation, dismantling a cybercriminal platform that stole personal data from over 94,000 people in Australia. 该平台 LabHost 被全球 10,000 名网络犯罪分子使用,通过持续的网络钓鱼攻击诱骗受害者提供他们的个人信息,例如网上银行登录信息、信用卡详细信息和密码。 LabHost, the platform in question, was used by 10,000 cybercriminals worldwide to trick victims into providing their personal information, such as online banking logins, credit card details, and passwords, through persistent phishing attacks. 此次行动共逮捕全球 37 人,目前当局正在联系这起网络诈骗的受害者。 This operation led to the arrest of 37 people across the globe, and authorities are contacting the victims of this cyber scam.