萨斯喀彻温省的地质调查项目完成, 揭示了十个新的黄金趋势. Apogee completes geophysical survey in Saskatchewan projects, revealing ten new gold trends.
Apogee Minerals Ltd. 已完成 Eagle Plains Resources 位于加拿大萨斯喀彻温省的 Pine Channel 和 Shasko Bay 项目的地球物理调查。 Apogee Minerals Ltd. has finished a geophysical survey at Eagle Plains Resources' Pine Channel and Shasko Bay projects in Saskatchewan, Canada. 直升机载运的调查覆盖267公里,揭示了10个新的黄金趋势和多个未经测试的异常点。 The helicopter-borne survey covered 267 kilometers, revealing ten new gold trends and multiple untested anomalies. Apogee 拥有获得这些项目区 80% 权益的选择权,这些项目区的历史钻探显示黄金品位高达 870 克/吨。 Apogee holds an option to secure an 80% interest in these properties, where historical drilling has shown high gold grades up to 870 g/t. 这些数据将为今后的勘探和钻探工作提供信息。 The data will inform future exploration and drilling efforts.