Golden Sky Minerals在不列颠哥伦比亚省发现有前景的铜和黄金痕迹,暗示存在大量矿藏。 Golden Sky Minerals finds promising copper and gold traces in British Columbia, hinting at significant deposits.
Golden Sky Minerals Corporation公司报告说,该公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省Rayfield铜黄金地产进行了2024年的岩石采样,发现了高达0.51%的铜和79 ppb的黄金,结果令人乐观。 Golden Sky Minerals Corp. reported promising results from its 2024 rock sampling at the Rayfield Copper-Gold Property in British Columbia, finding up to 0.51% copper and 79 ppb gold. 在Quesnel Terrane -- -- 一个主要的铜产区 -- -- 的财产也显示出地球物理调查显示的充电性异常。 The property, in the Quesnel terrane—a key copper-producing region—also showed a chargeability anomaly from a geophysical survey. 这些调查结果表明,在2025年进行进一步勘探的计划中,可能存在大量铜质矿床。 These findings suggest potential for significant copper porphyry deposits, with plans for further exploration in 2025.