在加那利群岛附近的英国国旗的卡塔马兰上被鲨鱼杀死的30岁的德国妇女。 30-year-old German woman killed by shark on British-flagged catamaran near Canary Islands.
一名30岁的德国妇女在加那利群岛附近国际水域悬挂英国国旗的达兰·达林斯·奇切斯特号船上被鲨鱼杀死。 A 30-year-old German woman was killed by a shark while on the British-flagged catamaran Dalliance Chichester in international waters near the Canary Islands. 事件发生在大加那利岛西南278英里处,该名妇女在袭击中腿部受伤。 The incident occurred 278 miles southwest of Gran Canaria, and the woman lost her leg during the attack. 她被空运到拉斯帕尔马斯的Negrin医生医院,但抵达后宣布死亡。 She was airlifted to Doctor Negrin Hospital in Las Palmas but was pronounced dead upon arrival. 西班牙当局向摩洛哥和联合王国海岸警卫队通报了这一事件。 Spanish authorities notified Moroccan and UK coastguards about the incident.