在津巴布韦,每年有200名采矿部门与工作有关的死亡,事故费用为1 500万美元。 200 mining-sector work-related deaths annually in Zimbabwe, costing $15m in accident expenses.
津巴布韦国家社会保障局报告说,采矿部门每年平均造成200名与工作有关的死亡,全国每年因事故损失约1 500万美元。 The National Social Security Authority (NSSA) of Zimbabwe reported that the mining sector causes an average of 200 work-related deaths annually, costing the country about US$15 million each year due to accidents. 代理首席执行官查尔斯·沙瓦在2024年津巴布韦经济发展会议上分享了这些见解。 Acting CEO Charles Shava shared these insights at the Zimbabwe Economic Development Conference 2024. 社保机构的投资战略强调支持气候变化,并促进中小企业的金融包容性。 NSSA's investment strategy emphasizes climate change support and promoting financial inclusion for small and medium enterprises.