27 岁的丹妮尔·德杰 (Danielle Dechert) 因在酒后使襁褓中的女儿窒息、未寻求医疗帮助以及有重罪前科而被判处 40 年监禁。 27-year-old Danielle Dechert was sentenced to 40 years in prison for smothering her infant daughter while under the influence, failing to seek medical help, and having a prior felony conviction.
来自得克萨斯Blanco县27岁的Danielle Ivy Dechert因窒息她5个月大的女儿Rhelene Ledesma被判处40年徒刑。 Danielle Ivy Dechert, 27, from Blanco County, Texas, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for smothering her 5-month-old daughter, Rheylene Ledesma. 在一起入睡的非法物质的影响下,Dechert在事件发生后8小时多没有寻求医疗帮助。 Dechert, under the influence of an illegal substance while co-sleeping, failed to seek medical help for over eight hours after the incident. 由于2014年曾因逃避机动车辆和危害儿童而被判犯有重罪,加重了她的刑期。 Her sentence was increased due to a prior felony conviction in 2014 for evading a motor vehicle and endangering a child. 德克萨斯州的游骑兵调查了这个案子. The Texas Rangers investigated the case.