联合王国劳工局考虑终止燃料税冻结,可能使年度司机费用增加130英镑。 UK Labour considers ending fuel duty freeze, potentially raising annual driver costs by £130.
联合王国劳工政府正在考虑结束为期15年的燃料税冻结,这可能会使司机的费用每年增加130英镑。 The UK Labour government is considering ending a 15-year freeze on fuel duty, which could increase costs for drivers by £130 annually. 在此之前,2022年执行了每升5p的削减。 This follows a 5p per litre cut implemented in 2022. 专家警告说,扭转这一削减可能会对许多汽车司机产生财政影响,同时提供节省燃料开支的提示,如改善驾驶习惯和车辆维修。 Experts warn that reversing this cut could financially impact many motorists, while offering tips to save on fuel expenses, such as improving driving habits and vehicle maintenance. 这个问题预计将在即将到来的10月份预算中得到解决。 The issue is expected to be addressed in the upcoming October Budget.