印度最高法院命令维基百科删除见习医生强奸受害者的姓名和照片。 Supreme Court of India orders Wikipedia to remove trainee doctor rape victim's name and images.
印度最高法院命令维基百科删除一名在加尔各答被强奸和谋杀的见习医生的姓名和照片。 The Supreme Court of India has ordered Wikipedia to remove the name and images of a trainee doctor who was raped and murdered in Kolkata. 这项指令遵循以前关于从所有媒体中消除受害人身份的命令,强调印度法律保护强奸受害人匿名。 This directive follows previous orders to eliminate the victim's identity from all media, emphasizing that Indian law protects rape victims’ anonymity. 维基百科没有遵守法院的要求, 并声称这项行动是为了维护受害人的尊严, Despite the court's requests, Wikipedia has not complied, with the court asserting that this action is about safeguarding the victim's dignity, not censorship.