印第安纳州 Prairie Heights 高中的学生因威胁而被开除;没有直接的危险,增加了警察的存在,正在进行调查。 Students at Prairie Heights High School in Indiana expelled for threats; no immediate danger, increased police presence, ongoing investigation.
LaGrange县治安官办公室驱逐了威胁印第安纳州Prairie高地高中的学生。 The LaGrange County Sheriff's Office has expelled students who made threats against Prairie Heights High School in Indiana. 当局在星期六获悉这些威胁,但确定学生或工作人员没有直接危险。 Authorities were informed of the threats on Saturday but determined there was no immediate danger to students or staff. 作为预防措施,增加警察留校留校。 An increased police presence remains at the school as a precaution. 调查正在进行之中,正在考虑对被驱逐的学生提出可能的刑事指控。 The investigation is ongoing, and potential criminal charges against the expelled students are being considered.