FDA 授予口服 infigratinib 治疗软骨发育不全的突破性疗法认定。 FDA grants Breakthrough Therapy Designation for oral infigratinib in treating achondroplasia.
BridgeBio Pharma 宣布,FDA 已授予口服 infigratinib 突破性疗法认定,旨在治疗患有儿童软骨发育不全(一种侏儒症)。 BridgeBio Pharma announced that the FDA has granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation for oral infigratinib, aimed at treating children with achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism. 由于PROPEL 2研究的有希望的结果,这一指定加快了药物的研制。 This designation accelerates the drug's development due to promising results from the PROPEL 2 study. Infigratinib还持有孤儿药品、快车道和罕见的儿科疾病标识。 Infigratinib also holds Orphan Drug, Fast Track, and Rare Pediatric Disease Designations. 第三阶段研究 " PROPEL 3 " 正在进行中,预计到年底完成入学。 The Phase 3 study, PROPEL 3, is ongoing and expected to finish enrollment by year-end.