中国科学家王振yi因首创ATRA白血病治疗而获得共和国勋章,使APL存活率从10%提高到95%。 Chinese scientist Wang Zhenyi receives Medal of the Republic for pioneering ATRA leukemia treatment, boosting APL survival rates from 10% to 95%.
中国科学家王振义因其在白血病治疗方面的开创性工作而获得中国最高荣誉——共和国勋章。 Chinese scientist Wang Zhenyi has received the Medal of the Republic, China's highest honor, for his pioneering work in leukemia treatment. 他的研究始于 1979 年,导致了全反式维甲酸 (ATRA) 的开发,它改变了急性早幼粒细胞白血病 (APL) 的治疗,并将存活率从 10% 提高到 95% 以上。 His research, starting in 1979, led to the development of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), which transformed acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) treatment and boosted survival rates from 10% to over 95%. 的方法结合了ATRA和传统中医, 拯救了无数人命, 得到国际认可. Wang’s methods, combining ATRA with traditional Chinese medicine, have saved countless lives globally and are recognized internationally.