加拿大的EV生产由于Umicore的安大略省工厂推迟和消费者兴趣下降而面临延误。 Canada's EV production faces delays due to Umicore's Ontario plant postponement and declining consumer interest.
加拿大的电动车辆生产正面临严重延误,特别是安大略的Umicore电池厂,该发电厂原定每年生产100万份EV的电池。 Canada's electric vehicle (EV) production is facing significant delays, particularly with Umicore's battery plant in Ontario, which was set to produce batteries for a million EVs annually. 该公司以EV市场恶化为推延原因。 The company cites a worsening EV market for the postponement. 消费者对EVs的兴趣也在下降,只有11%的加拿大人强烈考虑购买EVs。 Consumer interest in EVs is also declining, with only 11% of Canadians strongly considering purchasing one. 尽管计划投资461亿美元,政府支助525亿美元,但专家认为该行业需要更多时间才能成熟。 Despite $46.1 billion in planned investments and $52.5 billion in government support, experts suggest the industry needs more time to mature.