Tepper和Burry在中国蓬勃发展的旅游部门中增加了阿里巴巴的投资。 Billionaire investors Tepper and Burry increase Alibaba investments amid China's thriving tourism sector.
尽管对中国经济复苏感到担忧,但亿万富翁投资者David Tepper和Michael Burry正在增加投资,特别是在阿里巴巴的投资。 Despite concerns over China's economic recovery, billionaire investors David Tepper and Michael Burry are ramping up their investments, particularly in Alibaba. BCA研究提升了中国岸上股票,预测其业绩将超过全球股票。 BCA Research has upgraded Chinese onshore stocks, predicting they will outperform global equities. 虽然华尔街仍保持谨慎,但中国的旅游部门蓬勃发展,夏季旅客旅行和2024年创记录的航空旅行预测增长了6.2%,这表明了潜在的经济复原力。 While Wall Street remains cautious, China's tourism sector is thriving, with a 6.2% rise in summer passenger trips and projections for record air travel in 2024, indicating potential economic resilience.