南非对边远工人的“游牧签证”因税务条例修订而延迟。 South Africa's "nomad visa" for remote workers is delayed due to tax regulation amendments.
南非旨在吸引边远工人的“游牧者签证”倡议因必要的税务条例修订而被推迟。 South Africa's "nomad visa" initiative, aimed at attracting remote workers, is delayed due to necessary tax regulation amendments. 内政部长Leon Schreiber指出,税收问题必须在推出前解决。 Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreiber noted the tax issues must be resolved before rollout. 该签证由西里尔·拉马福萨总统2022年提出,旨在简化阻碍经济增长的繁琐的工作许可制度。 The visa, proposed by President Cyril Ramaphosa in 2022, seeks to simplify a cumbersome work permit system that hinders economic growth. 最初,它将允许边远工人每年在南非居住六个月,不交税,条件是他们至少赚取100万兰特。 Initially, it would allow remote workers to reside in South Africa for six months annually without tax, provided they earn at least 1 million rand.