罗马尼亚客户的银行忠诚度低于欧洲平均水平,20%的客户使用多家银行。 Romanian clients show lower banking loyalty than European average, with 20% using multiple banks.
基尔尼调查显示,罗马尼亚客户对传统银行的忠诚程度低于欧洲平均水平。 A Kearney survey indicates that Romanian clients are less loyal to traditional banks than the European average. 73%的欧洲人保持其主要银行账户至少五年,五分之一的罗马尼亚人至少使用三家银行。 While 73% of Europeans keep their main bank account for at least five years, one in five Romanians uses at least three banks. 这反映了罗马尼亚消费者与欧洲消费者相比在银行忠诚方面的显著差异。 This reflects a notable difference in banking loyalty among Romanian consumers compared to their European counterparts.