5个人因Matthew Perry的氯胺酮过量死亡面临法律诉讼,涉及处方药滥用和分销问题。 5 individuals face legal action for Matthew Perry's ketamine overdose death, involving prescription drug abuse and distribution issues.
马修·佩里 (Matthew Perry) 死于氯胺酮过量,导致对五人采取法律行动,其中包括他的助手和绰号“氯胺酮女王”的 Jasveen Sangha,被指控提供这种药物。 Matthew Perry's death from a ketamine overdose has led to legal actions against five individuals, including his assistant and Jasveen Sangha, nicknamed "Ketamine Queen," accused of supplying the drug. Sangha面临多项指控,涉案医生也被指控。 Sangha faces multiple charges, while a doctor involved has also been charged. 该案强调了美国滥用处方药和非法分销的问题。 目前,关于法院使用Sangha的绰号的法律辩论正在进行之中,这可能会引起潜在的偏见。 The case underscores issues of prescription drug abuse and illegal distribution in the U.S. A legal debate is ongoing regarding the use of Sangha's nickname in court, with implications for potential bias.