印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在图蒂科林国际集装箱码头开幕式上宣布印度在全球供应链中扮演的新角色. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi announces the country's emerging role in global supply chain during Tuticorin International Container Terminal inauguration.
印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在泰米尔纳德的图蒂科林国际集装箱码头开幕式上宣布, 印度正在成为全球供应链的重要参与者. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the country is emerging as a key player in the global supply chain during the inauguration of the Tuticorin International Container Terminal in Tamil Nadu. 该终点站投入了大量投资,目的是加强V.O.C.。 The terminal, with significant investment, aims to enhance the V.O.C. 港口能力,降低物流成本,促进就业中的性别多样化。 Port's capacity, reduce logistics costs, and promote gender diversity in employment. 莫迪强调印度对可持续发展的承诺,使印度有可能成为世界第三大经济体。 Modi emphasized India's commitment to sustainable development, positioning it to potentially become the world's third-largest economy.